Audio Signals Podcast

Games, Blockchain, Cloud, Storytelling And Metaverse | A conversation With Rafael Brown And Carey D'Souza | Audio Signals Podcast With Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

Episode Summary

About a quarter of a century may not seem like much from a human history perspective. Still, in the computer gaming industry, this timeframe represents seriously different technological and cultural ages. Let’s explore them.

Episode Notes

About a quarter of a century may not seem like much from a human history perspective. Sill, in the computer gaming industry, this timeframe represents seriously different technological and cultural ages. Let’s explore them.

In this episode, Marco & Sean merge technology and storytelling into the perfect media: gaming. They do this with two people who have spent about 25 years each in this industry and really know a lot about it. Luckily for you, because Sean and Marco are as curious as you might be about: what drives this industry, how we get to where we are, what is possible — what isn’t yet — and how it all comes down to what the future could be.

From the technology to the storytelling and entertaining parts of the early games to the Metaverse, NFT, cloud computing, and virtual reality — running through all of this, we ran out of time, and we promised to reconnect again to talk even more about it.

If you love virtual universes, gaming, computing, and storytelling, this one is for you. Stay tuned for many more with Rafael, Carey, Marco, and Sean.


Rafael Brown
CEO/Founder at Symbol Zero
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Carey D'Souza
CEO and Co-Founder at IAMPASS [@iampassHQ]
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